Search for "SERBIA" returned 3 matches

SLAPPs against the media in Europe: is the EU response sufficient and what remains to be done? - Reports

Panel co-organized by ARTICLE 19 and OBC Transeuropa, as partner of Media Freedom Rapid Response Mechanism, within the 2023 International Journalism Festival  of Perugia

Indicators on the level of media freedom and journalists’ safety in the Western Balkans - Reports

Recently established "Regional platform for media freedom in the Western Balkans" warns about the increased use of physical violence as a tool of intimidation against journalists

Freedom of the press in 2014. Harsh laws and violence drive global decline - Reports

Freedom of the Press 2015, the latest edition of an annual report published by Freedom House since 1980, highlights the sharp worsening of media freedom in 2014, as journalists around the world faced mounting restrictions on the free flow of news and information— including grave threats to their own lives